While at the UNLV Downtown Design Center, Ken McCown and Phil Zawarus assisted Outside Las Vegas Foundation to provide a map of all of the trails in the Las Vegas Valley. This map allows residents of Las Vegas and visitors see how they can enjoy the outdoors and get around the Valley by modes other than automobile.
Information on the map publication helps users understand trail rules, regulations and etiquette. We worked with Outside Las Vegas Foundation and other entities in the Valley to identify key outdoor areas such as parks, to highlight how they could be accessed by trails. This detailed information of popular sites is the bulk of the material on the back side of the map. The front of the map shows all of the trails in the Valley, regardless of jurisdiction. Getting all of the valley cities' information on one map was a critical accomplishment. All of the trail information is in one map for the first time in the history of the young metropolitan area generally not known for its trails and parks.
As a follow up to the Las Vegas Valley trails map - we provided a special map for the City of Las Vegas trails and parks.