Pollution ecologies is an ongoing research project to document and describe flows of pollutants, describe their processes, capacities to remediate and map locations.
Pollutants are ecosystems in the anthropocene; numerous case studies make it easy to argue them as determinants of species selection and genetic mutation throughout trophic levels. The pollution ecologies research links to water, as it is the universal solvent that moves through all life.
In each pollutant, we not physical properties, reasons for use, point of entropy, effects upon living systems and people, life cycle as a pollutant, and modes of remediation (mechanical and biological).
This list of pollutants become an atlas and inventory to help designers and citizens become aware of the increasing presence of pollutants and means to sequester them.
Works in this portfolio feature Joel Carrasco (atrazine), Troy Hansen (selenium) and Valerie Ahyong (trichloroethylene).