Below are draft page spreads from a sustainability atlas for Las Vegas. In this chapter, our team identified major issues related to resilience in the Las Vegas metropolitan area. The chapter begins with an analysis of food availability. The major issue related to food supply for the metro is its lack of closeness to farms. This lack of closeness to farms can impact prices, with increases to food prices disproportionately affecting people of lower incomes. People within the metro also can have limited access to quality foods, while having easy access to poor foods. We have identified where these areas are within the Valley.
Las Vegas shares in susceptibility to climate change with the rest of the United States. Several areas will be too hot and dry to be agriculturally productive in the projections about climate change.
This chapter of a sustainability atlas helps people frame what issues are related to food systems in Las Vegas, shows where problems might occur, and sets a platform for action to incite changes to how the food system operates in the Las Vegas metropolitan area. Thank you to Nasar Saghafi for his leadership on the chapter.
(click on all images to see them in a light box)