The light box project is an interdisciplinary foundation studio project. Students must make light perform to a certain verb (i.e. warm, bounce, glow…..etc.) within the context of an interior space of about a cubic foot. The action of the light must be resolved within the context of both a composition, and change over time. The introduction of both time and change of light helps students begin to develop ideas about fixed compositions, and how they can incorporate and accommodate input from external systems. In this way, the project not only teaches students the rules of color; it also introduces students into a foundation of thinking about sustainable and regenerative places. (page thumbnail design by Harmon ‘Brush’ Brammer - Torrey Tracey section leader)
Slideshow above: Mark Harrist’s light box showing a change of color and composition as the light moves through the day.
Slide Show Above: Light boxes, light box studies, and students and faculty from the interdisciplinary foundation studio.