The Victory block is a vision for a green redevelopment - a new Mojave Desert Urbanism. This block downtown is underused. It is just south of the busiest street in downtown and immediately north of City Hall. The east and west boundaries are a substantial surface street (Main) and a recently implemented complete street. This ‘art trail’ has a pedestrian focus and an emphasis upon art.On the block is the Victory Hotel, one of the first hotels in Las Vegas. It was just a block or two walk from the train station, the primary way people came to the city in its beginning years. A bus terminal exists now, and there a plans to bring the train back.
We will propose a reuse of the Victory Hotel, using what is one of Las Vegas’ few remaining historic structures as a catalyst for the development of the block as a mixed-use sustainable development. Additionally, the city just started a green alleyway program. We believe this site, bisected by the alley, is a prime opportunity to explore and demonstrate best practices for alleyways in the Las Vegas metropolitan.
The goals of this project include:
-Work to redevelop downtown through the Victory Block.
-Work in the downtown context (Arts Trail, Demographics, Codes)
-Work within the block context (Arts Trail, Form-Based Code, History)
-Work with economics and demographics (Mixed use, affordable housing, arts and tourism)
-Work to make a green neighborhood (Regenerative systems and viable programs)
-Use the Victory Hotel as a catalyst (Rehabilitate the hotel for community use)
Special thanks to Sarah Jensen, Tom Martin, Bogdan Machedon, Liana Lamastra, and Kassia Payne for their help in project development as design team and studio members. \